In message <VI1PR1001MB12944B486F7C414220896435D68F0@VI1PR1001MB1294.EURPRD10.P ROD.OUTLOOK.COM>, Elad Cohen <elad@netstyle.io> wrote:
The defamatory and invective words, the mudslinging and slander of my name, by Ronald Guilmette, are not true at all and they are completely false, in my hand there are all the purchases approval for purchasing ipv4 and that were paid completely by me.
Anyone who wants confirmation the ips belong to us can sent me a direct e-mail and i would be happy to explain and provide evidence. thank you.
You can stop dancing around the issue Mr. Cohen, and come clean, any time you want. Like for example right here and right now. Stop prevaricating. Put up or shut up. Either that or have the decency to admit that you are dyed-in-the-wool con man and fraud, as your onetime pals at Cogent and FDCServers have apparently finally figured out. By all means, show us all of these allged "purchase approvals" you have for the following blocks which you managed... temporarily at least... to get your compliant pals at Cogent and FDCSewers to route for you: APNIC region: -- Department of Finance and Deregulation (AU) -- Port of Melbourne Authority (AU) AFRINIC region: -- City of Cape Town -- The Atomic Energy Board (South Africa) -- Cape of Good Hope Bank (South Africa) For one little guy, you sure managed to accumulate one hell of huge stash of IPv4 addresses! Well over $30 million dollars worth, in fact. So please Mr. Cohen, by all means, please do tell us what all of these mountains of IPv4 addresses cost you, who you paid for them, and what exactly you planned to do with them, and with whom. Please do show us any and all documentation you have of your alleged "purchases". I'm sure that we are all keen to see how you cleverly outwitted all other bidders to come out on top in the bidding war for the City of Cape Town's block or for the one you apparently lifted from the Australian Department of Finance and Deregulation. But please, don't insult our intelligence by showing us more of those blatantly fradulent "LOAs" that were presented in the MyBroadband.co.za report. As I've already pointed out here, no self respecting forger would even have tried to pass those. The perfectly identical signatures and vaguely official-looking stamps on all of them render them not even third-rate forgeries. Oh! And by the way Mr. Cohen, as it happens I myself am the proud owner of a perfectly valid "purchase approval" for the Brooklyn Bridge. So you see, we have something in common! Looking forward to you next missive. Love and kisses, rfg