In message <201403232009.47085.mark.tinka@seacom.mu>, Mark Tinka writes:
On Sunday, March 23, 2014 06:57:26 PM Mark Andrews wrote:
ISP's have done a good job of brain washing their customers into thinking that they shouldn't be able to run services from home. That all their machines shouldn't have a globally unique address that is theoritically reachable from everywhere. That NAT is normal and desiriable.
I was at work last week and because I have IPv6 at both ends I could just log into the machines at home as easily as if I was there. When I'm stuck using a IPv4 only service on the road I have to jump through lots of hoops to reach the internal machines.
I expect this to change little in the enterprise space. I think use of ULA and NAT66 will be one of the things enterprises will push for, because how can a printer have a public IPv6 address that is reachable directly from the Internet, despite the fact that there is a properly configured firewall at the perimetre offering half-decent protection?
Can I suggest that you re-read what I said. I did not say "WILL BE REACHABLE". I said "THEORETICALLY REACHABLE". I also said "GLOBAL UNIQUE" address not "PUBLIC ADDRESS". The point is one should be able to get addresses with these properties. It's your decision about whether to use all the properties the addresses have. As for printers directly reachable from anywhere, why not. We do have the technology to authenticate requests regardless of the IP address the request originates from. Whether that is built into your printer or not is a purchasing decision. I see nothing wrong with being able to print out something from the other side of the world for someone else to pick up. The cost to do this shoudn't amount to more than a couple of cents in the printer's price as it is all one off engineering. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org