10 Mar
10 Mar
5:18 p.m.
On Thu, 10 Mar 2022 at 16:01, Joe Greco <jgreco@ns.sol.net> wrote:
I am reading your response as to imply that this is somehow my fault (for my networks) and that I am a poor leader for not having embraced v6. If that's not what you meant, great, because I feel like there's been systemic issues.
No, I meant us as the community of people building the internet in the last 20 years. Poor state of IPv6+IPv4 not any individual's fault, some share more fault than others, but we're all culpable. My apologies, I didn't intend it to read as I'm blaming you. You can't go IPV6 only in your own network, you have other networks to talk to, other applications to use to, things to buy which you assert little control over. -- ++ytti