They are taking pre-orders now for a (hopefully) June delivery. I'm at a conference now and got the rundown yesterday from Ubiquiti. This product was designed completely from the ground up by the former Motorola Canopy 100 team. It -should- deliver ~700mbit in both directions @ full duplex. Note that 24ghz is very susceptible to "rain fade" and should be used in caution in certain climates, especially at longer distances approaching 10+km. Anyhow, check the video out on ubnt.com for an introduction and technical overview - it's worth watching. Josh On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Phil Regnauld <regnauld@nsrc.org> wrote:
Drew Weaver (drew.weaver) writes:
I've read that it requires perfect line of sight, which makes it sometimes tricky.
Thanks, -Drew
Define perfect line of sight ? How is this different from any other wireless link and the associated Fresnel zone ?
Even 100 Mbit/s wireless equipment (which ubqt also happens to make great gear for, at 800 USD / link) will need unobstructed view of the remote point - and it's not all or nothing, the performance will degrade.
Cheers, Phil