I was just looking at an issue between 701 in Toronto. Seems to be resolved now-- at least the issue I was seeing. the bad traceroute, looked like .... 3 if-3-0-2.core3.TNK-Toronto.as6453.net ( 0.988 ms 0.978 ms 1.578 ms 4 ( 1.902 ms 71.416 ms 3.472 ms 5 if-3-1-0-0.tcore1.NJY-Newark.as6453.net ( 22.286 ms 21.957 ms 29.472 ms 6 if-12-0.mcore3.NJY-Newark.as6453.net ( 67.961 ms if-3-0-0.mcore3.NJY-Newark.as6453.net ( 21.449 ms 20.956 ms 7 if-10-0.core3.NTO-NewYork.as6453.net ( 21.975 ms 22.467 ms 21.977 ms 8 Vlan1297.icore1.NTO-NewYork.as6453.net ( 20.977 ms * 30.520 ms 9 0.ae20.BR2.NYC4.ALTER.NET ( 21.478 ms 21.458 ms 21.477 ms 10 * 11 * Now its working .... 3 if-3-0-2.core3.TNK-Toronto.as6453.net ( 0.975 ms 4 ( 1.975 ms 5 if-3-1-0-0.tcore1.NJY-Newark.as6453.net ( 21.445 ms 6 if-12-0.mcore3.NJY-Newark.as6453.net ( 54.472 ms 7 if-10-0.core3.NTO-NewYork.as6453.net ( 112.426 ms 8 Vlan1297.icore1.NTO-NewYork.as6453.net ( 22.964 ms 9 0.ae20.BR2.NYC4.ALTER.NET ( 21.455 ms 10 0.ae2.XL4.NYC4.ALTER.NET ( 21.466 ms 11 0.so-5-1-0.XT2.TOR2.ALTER.NET ( 34.958 ms 12 0.POS7-1.GW2.TOR2.ALTER.NET ( 33.958 ms When it was not working, packets would not get from my AS (11647) to the target in IP in AS701. But packets from 701 would get back to my AS. The AS path in both directions are 701-6453-11647 and 11647 6453 701... I saw a similar outage to VPNs I have in AS15290 which I see as 11647 6453 701 15290. However, I did not have time to check if it was the same behaviour with loss being in one direction. In both cases, IPs that follow 11647 174 701 and 701 174 11647 and 11647 174 7018 15290 and 15290 7018 174 11647 were not impacted. ---Mike On 2/28/2011 9:53 PM, ML wrote:
Seeing some packet loss via Cogent.
www.internetpulse.net seems to be lighting up.
-- ------------------- Mike Tancsa, tel +1 519 651 3400 Sentex Communications, mike@sentex.net Providing Internet services since 1994 www.sentex.net Cambridge, Ontario Canada http://www.tancsa.com/