If it's of any help... the bloat mailing list at lists.bufferbloat.net has the largest concentration of queue theorists and network operator + developers I know of. (also, bloat readers, this ongoing thread on nanog about 400Gbit is fascinating) There is 10+ years worth of debate in the archives: https://lists.bufferbloat.net/pipermail/bloat/2012-May/thread.html as one example. On Sun, Aug 7, 2022 at 10:14 AM dip <diptanshu.singh@gmail.com> wrote:
Disclaimer: I often use the M/M/1 queuing assumption for much of my work to keep the maths simple and believe that I am reasonably aware in which context it's a right or a wrong application :). Also, I don't intend to change the core topic of the thread, but since this has come up, I couldn't resist.
With 99% load M/M/1, 500 packets (750kB for 1500B MTU) of buffer is enough to make packet drop probability less than 1%. With 98% load, the probability is 0.0041%.
To expand the above a bit so that there is no ambiguity. The above assumes that the router behaves like an M/M/1 queue. The expected number of packets in the systems can be given by
[image: image.png] where [image: image.png] is the utilization. The probability that at least B packets are in the system is given by [image: image.png] where B is the number of packets in the system. for a link utilization of .98, the packet drop probability is .98**(500) = 0.000041%. for a link utilization of 99%, .99**500 = 0.00657%.
Regrettably, tcp ccs, by design do not stop growth until you get that drop, e.g. 100+% utilization.
When many TCPs are running, burst is averaged and traffic
is poisson.
M/M/1 queuing assumes that traffic is Poisson, and the Poisson assumption is 1) The number of sources is infinite 2) The traffic arrival pattern is random.
I think the second assumption is where I often question whether the traffic arrival pattern is truly random. I have seen cases where traffic behaves more like self-similar. Most Poisson models rely on the Central limit theorem, which loosely states that the sample distribution will approach a normal distribution as we aggregate more from various distributions. The mean will smooth towards a value.
Do you have any good pointers where the research has been done that today's internet traffic can be modeled accurately by Poisson? For as many papers supporting Poisson, I have seen as many papers saying it's not Poisson.
https://www.icir.org/vern/papers/poisson.TON.pdf https://www.cs.wustl.edu/~jain/cse567-06/ftp/traffic_models2/#sec1.2
I am firmly in the not-poisson camp, however, by inserting (esp) FQ and AQM techniques on the bottleneck links it is very possible to smooth traffic into this more easily analytical model - and gain enormous benefits from doing so.
On Sun, 7 Aug 2022 at 04:18, Masataka Ohta < mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> wrote:
Saku Ytti wrote:
I'm afraid you imply too much buffer bloat only to cause unnecessary and unpleasant delay.
With 99% load M/M/1, 500 packets (750kB for 1500B MTU) of buffer is enough to make packet drop probability less than 1%. With 98% load, the probability is 0.0041%.
I feel like I'll live to regret asking. Which congestion control algorithm are you thinking of?
I'm not assuming LAN environment, for which paced TCP may be desirable (if bandwidth requirement is tight, which is unlikely in LAN).
But Cubic and Reno will burst tcp window growth at sender rate, which may be much more than receiver rate, someone has to store that growth and pace it out at receiver rate, otherwise window won't grow, and receiver rate won't be achieved.
When many TCPs are running, burst is averaged and traffic is poisson.
So in an ideal scenario, no we don't need a lot of buffer, in practical situations today, yes we need quite a bit of buffer.
That is an old theory known to be invalid (Ethernet switches with small buffer is enough for IXes) and theoretically denied by:
Sizing router buffers https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1030194.1015499
after which paced TCP was developed for unimportant exceptional cases of LAN.
Now add to this multiple logical interfaces, each having 4-8 queues, it adds up.
Having so may queues requires sorting of queues to properly prioritize them, which costs a lot of computation (and performance loss) for no benefit and is a bad idea.
Also the shallow ingress buffers discussed in the thread are not delay buffers and the problem is complex because no device is marketable that can accept wire rate of minimum packet size, so what trade-offs do we carry, when we get bad traffic at wire rate at small packet size? We can't empty the ingress buffers fast enough, do we have physical memory for each port, do we share, how do we share?
People who use irrationally small packets will suffer, which is not a problem for the rest of us.
Masataka Ohta
-- FQ World Domination pending: https://blog.cerowrt.org/post/state_of_fq_codel/ Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC