On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Charles Scott wrote:
On Sat, 27 Jan 2001, Brian wrote:
I have heard from numerous sources that even if you provide multiple name servers in windows 9x tcp/ip config, only the first is used. Not sure how true it is currently. It seems from below you are talking about resolvers, not authorative name servers??
Brian: Yes, talking about resolvers. If I remember the incident correctly, at the time a number of other nearby providers were using NT servers and it was those which failed to ask another authoritative name server for the domain when a particular server was not reachable. In our case, it was actually the second server listed for our domains.
i experienced this exact same thing, and it was the secondary ns that NT was "fixating" on when making queries. (the secondary was up and down for a few weeks until a new one was shipped out--yes, off-site and off-AS ;) i had a VERY hard time explaining to NT professionals that their email to our domains shouldn't be bouncing, and that 99% of the internet could get mail to our domains just fine with one operating nameserver. i also didn't have any proof that NT didn't do The Right Thing, and no one wanted to help me prove it by hanging on the phone with me after complaining that "your nameservers are down." is this misbehavior of NT documented anywhere? is it fixable? i don't know d*ck about NT, but i'd love to be able to at least suggest a fix and give someone a URL. thanks! deeann m.m. mikula network administrator telerama internet -- http://www.telerama.com abuse@telerama.com/spam@telerama.com 1.877.688.3200x501