Good morning Operators; I have a couple of questions about best practices for Internet Routing Registries. I'm able to find lots of documentation about *how* to do things, but not a lot of documentation about when I *should* do things. I work for a medium-sized ISP in the US, and we are currently using both RADb and the ARIN IRR. We peer all over the place, but my main concern is how Cogent and Hurricane Electric build prefix filters from our IRRs. 1. Netflix is asking us to add the AS of a downstream customer of one of our customers to our customer AS-SET. We have a direct relationship with this organization's provider, but not with this organization itself. Is this appropriate? 2. On the ARIN side, when ARIN-NONAUTH goes away next year, does that do away with our ability to do proxy route objects? Do we need to require all of our BGP customers to set up their own IRRs? 3. On the RADb side, if we're turning up a new customer that doesn't have an IRR, and another ISP already has a proxy registration for that customer, is it sufficient for us to add that customer's AS to our customer AS-SET? I've been getting around the fact that RADb doesn't allow multiple proxy registrations by registering proxy route objects in ARIN-NONAUTH, but that won't be an option much longer, and I can't really experiment with our customers' route objects to see what works. Thanks! -Lee Fawkes