For the last few days, I have experienced a series of DDoS attacks on various targets around the globe. The general target is the EFNet irc network, and servers have been attacked all through Europe, USA, Canada, Israel, and such.
Wow, EFNet is being attacked? That's never happened before. Someone should alert the media.
Due to the various attacks, more than half of the servers on the network were black holed (null routed). The others which hold 1/3 of the client count, are attacked, or going to be attacked soon.
Perhaps because there are only 5 servers which actually accept clients?
If this keeps on going, this irc network will cease to exist.
Oh the humanity.
In this time of need, it would be a great help if the large carriers would be helpful in tracing the traffic.
Hrm you may have an idea there. Since so many attacks are related to EFNet, and there are so many possible reasons for it to be impacting the rest of the internet, I propose we introduce a new ICMP type, ICMP EFNet. This message type could be used to convey all kinds of important information about why things are broken, for example: ICMP EFNet code 1 - Smurfing ICMP EFNet code 2 - SYN Flooding ICMP EFNet code 3 - Channel takeover ICMP EFNet code 4 - Warring botnets ICMP EFNet code 5 - Dianora and many other useful messages. -- Richard A Steenbergen <ras@e-gerbil.net> http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras PGP Key ID: 0x138EA177 (67 29 D7 BC E8 18 3E DA B2 46 B3 D8 14 36 FE B6)