On 15-Feb-2006, at 19:33, Edward B. DREGER wrote:
Want to dual-home to SBC and Cox? Great. You get IP space from
which is advertised via AS64511. Lots of leaf dual-homers do the same, yet there is ONE route in the global table for the lot of you. SBC and Cox interconnect and swap packets when someone's local loop goes *poof*. Flaps within 1.0.0/18 never hit the outside world.
Personally, if I was going to multi-home, I would far prefer that my various transit providers don't cooperate at all, and have sets of peers and/or upstream transit providers that are as different as possible from each others'. The last thing I need are operational procedures which are shared between them. If all you want is last-mile redundancy, surely you can just attach twice to the same ISP and avoid all the routing complications completely? I get the feeling that there's a lot of solutions-designing going on in this thread without the benefit of prior problem-stating. Joe