On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 1:50 AM, Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
i'm with jon and the static crew. brutal but simple.
My name is Joe, not jon, Randy. But what can I expect from a man that used the phrase "tell him to go fuck himself" when I put my hand out in greeting back at Atlanta NANOG in 2001, when your company sales person mentioned that I should meet you. (I was only the BGP driver and pipe buyer for Amazon at the time.) Even Vixie had a bit more class after I asked him a question at LISA 96 and all he said was "RTMfF. Next!" in his receiving line for questions about BIND.. (The same LISA where Larry was selling his first PERL book, signing shirts with Tom and Randal.) Six years later in Seattle he gave thoughtful consideration and an insightful answer to another question. (He had a bit of a cold that day and may have been off-game.) You Internet demigods need a clue stick to the head and understand that not all of us are as smart as you and we need your advice at times. We would much appreciate you not talking down to us when you do decide to send words from above. BTW: Do the clouds under Mt Olympus filter out caps? Randy, I know my solution was right. I don't need your blessing. Go fuck yourself. -Joe Hamelin PS: Thank you Jim. Always a pleasure working with (or interviewing) you. -- Joe Hamelin, W7COM, Tulalip, WA, 360-474-7474