Matt, Don't believe everything you read. I have unfortunately been a target over the years because I rented machines to Esthost. But the stories made up are way out there. It's all very easy a dedicated server / customer relationship - nothing more. Never did I ignore anymore from the abuse community. Go ahead and find me a IP address that did any spam or anything. You won't find it, I can't remember the last time I got any Spamcop complaints. Not even going to mention Spamhaus because we all know there abuse. "We asked a handful of Intercage's most vocal critics if they sent take down requests to Kacperski. None said yes. "In his defense, what may have finally happened is that malware researchers stopped bothering to report" abusive sites," Eckelberry says." None said YES! That pretty much sums it all up. Maybe I could of reached out more, I guess that was my mistake. But it surely is impossible to deal with if you have to deal with people like John Reid. Thanks! Contact: Emil Kacperski Company: Intercage Inc. - Atrivo Dedicated Servers San Francisco Datacenter E-Mail: emil@intercage.com Phone: 925-550-3947 ICQ: 23531098