I think that metered pricing will come sometime, if not in the near future. Some charges for time online for dialup customers, some charges on the number of bytes transfered, and some charges distance/time/bandwidth used (such as Internet Fax). There are various technologies and applications being introduced which allow a dial up user to nail up a port for many many hours (such as PointCast, and many new business plans I have seen). A lot of times, the users are misusing the dial up port as dedicated port unknowingly. Of course, one can always configure authentication servers to prevent some of the misuses (such as constant pinging a host). However, with the new applications coming out everyday, it is quite difficult to do for ISPs. Just wondering how the ISPs can continue to offer $15 unlimited services, both financially and technically. I have even seen one of our partners at GRIC (An international roaming consortium) saying that they are looking for ways to stop people from running Internet phone app over their expensive $1M per year T1 over the Pacific. It seems to me that there is no need to jump ship if your ISP changed into metered services. It at least shows your provider knows what they are doing. Someday everyone has to. Hong www.aimnet.com/www.aimsoft.com/www.gric.com Gee, I own so many domain names .... Matt Ranney wrote:
Tim Salo writes...
The easiest point to measure traffic is undoubtedly on the link between the customer and its ISP. I believe that many ISPs are already measuring the total amount of traffic into and out of each customer. I even saw a complicated pricing formula from one ISP which added a surcharge cor customers which passed a lot of traffic over the last time period (some number of months, I seem to recall). So, at least at one point, we already have at least one example of an ISP which had a component of its pricing based on the amount of traffic transferred over a dedicated connection.
Metered pricing is already a reality with at least a couple of providers that I know of. Interestingly enough, I switched primary providers a few months ago because my provider at the time was switching from a flat rate scheme to a metered one. The end result was that at my current usage level, my monthly rate would more than double.
I'm not exactly sure what conclusions you can draw from this, so I'll just stop now. -- Matt Ranney - mjr@eit.com
This is how I sign all my messages.