UUnet had a hic-up in Phoenix (grrrrrr!!!!) dumped a large part of traffic at the worst time of the morning. (UUnet is one of our primary connections). -- Tom Beeson Oso Grande Technologies At 02:12 PM 09/06/2000 -0400, James Smith wrote:
Sorry about being so vague, but I find it gets people talking about even little problems that might be occur, which I find helpful.
I got hold of somebody at UUNet and things seem to be back together now with our connection.
-- James Smith, CCNA Chief Network/System Administrator DXSTORM.COM
--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**-- Tom Beeson Oso Grande Technologies Network Engineer A New Mexico Technet Co. (505) 345-1748 noc@nm.net "Sanity checks cashed here" --**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--