On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 2:55 PM, Elizabeth Zwicky <zwicky@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
I believe that our public statements make it clear that we realize that significant use cases are broken:
http://yahoo.tumblr.com/post/82426971544/an-update-on-our-dmarc-policy-to-p rotect-our-users
http://yahoomail.tumblr.com/post/82426900353/yahoo-dmarc-policy-change-what -should-senders-do
Elizabeth Zwicky
While this issue has been beaten into the ground quite far, it's important to point out that Mailinglist sofware is adapting to address the headaches thrust upon us by your own internal spam problems. ;-) Fairly soon NANOG and other Mailman based lists will be able to flip a switch and wrap+attach emails from domains with strict policies. It may clutter up the archives a bit, but eventually users will tire of it and move on to a not-so-anal email service. :-) -Jim P.