1 Mar
1 Mar
4:08 p.m.
On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 10:33:51AM -0500, John Payne wrote:
On Mar 1, 2006, at 1:52 AM, Joe Abley wrote:
Shim6 also has some features which aren't possible with the swamp -- for example, it allows *everybody* to multi-home, down to people whose entire infrastructure consists of an individual device, and to do so in a scaleable way.
Only if *everybody* has a shim6 capable stack...
and nobody does! extrapolations and visions of a brave new world are just that. kind of like the Boeing/Airbus mockups that have lounges, gyms&showers and restrants onboard their 747 and A380 aircraft. and attractive flight attendants talking about shoes... :) yeah it -might- happen, but... -- bill (particularly grumpy & cynical tonight)