On Mon, 20 Feb 2006 23:40:48 +0200, Gadi Evron said:
Many ISP's who do care about issues such as worms, infected users "spreading the love", etc. simply do not have the man-power to handle all their infected users' population.
It is becoming more and more obvious that the answer may not be at the ISP's doorstep, but the ISP's are indeed a critical part of the solution. What their eventual role in user safety will be I can only guess, but it is clear (to me) that this subject is going to become a lot "hotter" in coming years.
The ISPs will be a part of the solution. However, ISPs fall into two major categories: 1) The ones that read the types of lists that you posted this to 2) The ones that have the problem. You're preaching to the choir, Gadi - and if there's *one* thing I'd like a solution for, it's *that* problem. How do you get the unwashed masses of ISPs to join the choir so you can preach to them?