I like RCS better than RANCID for config change tracking, although an ideal system would probably involve both.
Indeed, an ideal management framework would include: 1. A tool in which to record the desired (past, current, future) state of network devices. Bonus points for having a difference engine capable of providing the difference between revisions in the form of config statements. 2. A tool in which to record the actual state of network devices (rancid falls into this category). 3. A tool to reconcile 1 and 2. Bonus points for an ability to differentiate planned-but-yet-to-be-applied changes (i.e. the current revision in tool 2's repository matches a les-than-current revision in tool 1's repository) from unauthorized changes detected by tool 2 but not documented in tool 1. More bonus points for applying the difference engine described in tool 1 to propose the configuration statements necessary to undo unauthorized changes. Stephen