On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 4:20 AM, alvin nanog < nanogml@mail.ddos-mitigator.net> wrote:
hi ramy
On 08/12/15 at 05:28pm, Ramy Hashish wrote:
Anybody here compared Wanguard's performance with the DDoS vendors in the market (Arbor, Radware, NSFocus, A10, RioRey, Staminus, F5 ......)?
wouldn't the above "comparison" be kinda funky comparing software solutions with hardware appliances and/or cloud scubbers ??
comparisons between vendors should be between sw solutions, or hw appliances vs other hw, or cloud vs other clouds
wanguard should be compared with other sw options or vendors using sflow, netflow, jflow, etc etc http://www.andrisoft.com/software/wanguard http://bitbucket.org/tortoiselabs/ddosmon http://www.github.com/FastVPSEestiOu/fastnetmon http://nfdump.sourceforge.net http://nfsen.sourceforge.net
wanguard - software solution using sflow http://www.andrisoft.com/software/wanguard
arbor ---- hardware/software solutions -- "peakflow" http://www.arbornetworks.com/products/peakflow
radware -- hardware/software/cloud solutions -- "defenseflow" http://www.radware.com/products/attack-mitigation-service/ http://www.radware.com/Products/DefenseFlow/
nsfocus -- hardware/cloud solutions http://www.nsfocus.com/products/
A10 ------ hardware solution http://www.a10network.com/products
riorey --- hardware solution http://www.riorey.com/riorey-ddos-products
staminus - hardware/cloud solutions http://www.staminus.net/shield
# and to add to the ddos confusion ..
akamai/prolexic --- hardware/cloud solution
f5 ---------------- hardware/cloud solutions
fortinet ---------- custom ASIC hardware and cloud solution
Let me disagree to some extent, we have contacted most of the above vendors, selling a HW doesn't necessarily mean they are HW based solution, most of them run their SW/algorithm on an x86 machine. Thanks, Ramy