On Mar 3, 2005, at 7:22 PM, James wrote:
You certainly need their permission before you can advertise routes that falsely came to have passed through their network!
What kind of specific _technical_ issue do I create by prepending another ASN on AS_PATHs I advertise, without such "owner"'s permission?
Oh, I don't know, increasing the size of an already bloated global routing table; possibly crashing routers which are already starving for FIB RAM? A certain level of stability is to be expected on the global routing table. Playing with it isn't a 'good thing'. Besides the fact that they are experimenting with the core of the Internet. What if their experiments had an unwanted effect? What is the global financial impact of backbone instability? That is an awful big grenade they are chucking about. I think it is irresponsible for someone, no matter how educated or well intentioned to throw experiments into the middle of the network. -Matt