For those who have a real need for both hosting within the Chinese autonomous routing domain *and* good, English-friendly remote hands support, I would also recommend considering the Silk Road Technologies data center in Hangzhou: http://www.srt.com.cn/en/ TV On Sep 8, 2009, at 3:57 PM, Michael K. Smith - Adhost wrote:
Thank you to everyone that provided off-list recommendations. I've compiled the list of providers in no particular order.
Latin America
- Securehost - http://www.securehost.com - Triara (Telmex) - http://www.triara.com/Datacenter.htm - KIO Networks - Xertix - Hortolandia - CyDC (Brazil Telecom) - http://www.cydc.com.br - ALOG - http://www.alog.com.br - Terremark - http://www.terremark.com.br - Locaweb (Brazil)
China/Hong Kong
- Telehouse Beijing - http://www.telehouse.com/globalfacilities.php#asia - Vianet - http://www.21vianet.com/en/index.jsp - Mega-Iadvantage - http://www.iadvantage.net/facilities/facilities_megai_main.html - Dailan - InterNAP (partnering with Equinix) - Equinix - http://www.equinix.com/locations/map/asiapacific/hongkong/
-- Michael K. Smith - CISSP, GISP Chief Technical Officer - Adhost Internet LLC mksmith@adhost.com w: +1 (206) 404-9500 f: +1 (206) 404-9050 PGP: B49A DDF5 8611 27F3 08B9 84BB E61E 38C0 (Key ID: 0x9A96777D)