3 Feb
3 Feb
2:49 p.m.
At 11:28 AM 2/2/98 , Phil Howard wrote:
<http://www.nwfusion.com/news/0128mae.html>http://www.nwfusion.com/news/0128 mae.html
How about your password to access this? Or were you quoting the entire article? Where will this MAE-Central be located?
From: <http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/10024.html>http://www.wired .com/news/news/technology/story/10024.html "Laughlin said that WorldCom is building a new, ATM-only MAE in Dallas, MAE-Central, which will also be one of the major MAEs. Service should be available some time later this year."