On 12/23/10 9:19 AM, Jay Ashworth wrote:
And that's just another argument in favor of muni fiber -- since it's municipal, it will by definition serve every address, and since it's monopoly, it will enable competition by making it practical for competitors to start up, since they'll have trival access to all comers.
Muni-fiber builds do not "by definition serve every address." Municipalities have their own priorities which tend to involve police/fire water treatment/waste handling. Having worked on fiber-builds/swaps with a couple of municipalities, and the corporations that they set up to manage their facilites it's one thing when it runds down the street in front of your building and quite another when you want to extend a spur to some far flug location on the edge of town. The fact that I can get a wavelength to county dump in Eugene OR the composting facility in Palo Alto doesn't really do anything for the residential access market.