This will happen if the ISO gives ample warning, it has already been determined that 10 minutes would not fall within that category, so its a good decision but has its drawbacks. As for today's decision by the PUC on Northpoint http://news.excite.com/news/r/010330/15/net-northpoint-shutdown-dc The California ISP Association (CISPA) brought pressure to bear on this issue. http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/01/03/30/010330hnispnor.xml?p=br&s=6 Sean Donelan wrote:
The California Public Utilities Commission has ordered electric utility companies to provide advance notification of rolling blackouts. In the past some utilities have declined to provide advance notice before blackouts, citing security concerns such as the possibility of looting and rioting. The City of San Francisco complained the lack of notice hampered its ability mobolize police and medical workers.
No mention how the utilities will actually accomplish this advance notification.
-- Thank you; |---------------------------------| | Thinking is a learned process. | | ICANN member @large | | Gigabit over IP, ieee 802.17 | | working group | | Resilient Packet Transport | | http://www.luminousnetworks.com | |---------------------------------| Henry R. Linneweh