At 9:32 AM -0700 5/29/97, Karl Denninger wrote:
The IAHC was not done within the IETF process. There is no RFC which was promoted to either a BCP or Internet Standard defining their work.
Once again, I do commend to folks that they learn about the IETF process. The IETF does not dictate procedures or administration for the operational Internet. It does not participate in the development or execution of those procedures. The IETF specifies technical standards. The documents known as "best current practise" represent efforts to characterize methods of using those standards, rather than methods of running the Internet. This has been hashed and re-h many times. One can only wonder at the continuing effort to claim the IETF should be directly involved, given that it has no charter or history of being so involved.
That was ENTIRELY a private decision and done outside of the IETF process.
Sigh. Such willful misreprentation facilitates dialogue and clarity in no way. You may choose to disagree with the IAHC mandate, but claiming it had none is ... well, you know the "l" word you like to use so much, Karl? The IAHC work was very much public and was very much sanctioned by the administrative authority for the DNS. Do you really think that distorting facts like this helps your own cause? d/ -------------------- Dave Crocker +1 408 246 8253 Brandenburg Consulting fax: +1 408 249 6205 675 Spruce Dr. dcrocker@brandenburg.com Sunnyvale CA 94086 USA http://www.brandenburg.com Internet Mail Consortium http://www.imc.org, info@imc.org