Hi, On Apr 17, 2005, at 8:20 PM, Eric A. Hall wrote:
| The maximum amount of memory to use for the server's cache, in | bytes. [...] The default is unlimited, meaning that records are | purged from the cache only when their TTLs expire.
That was my first guess too.
Most DNS servers don't even have this switch.
Actually, I suspect most servers now do, at least in the context of Internet service provision. I believe BINDv9 + dnscache + CNS (don't know about maradns, powerdns, or posadis but I believe their relative percentage isn't significant) outnumber BINDv4 and BINDv8. Don't know if Microsoft DNS allows you to limit memory consumption, but I don't think it is used in an ISP context that frequently (although I might be wrong). Rgds, -drc