Currently, the $$$ our ISP pays to get 128 Kbps connectivity is enough to get more than a dozen T1's in the US, and even a T3 perhaps. And people ask here why they can't get unlimited access for $20 monthly.
On the other hand, labor costs are cheap --- among the biggest customers for E1 lines to the US are offshore programming houses.
So how about a bandwidth for workforce swap? :)
-- miguel a.l. paraz <map@iphil.net> iphil communications, makati city, tech problems, to <support@iphil.net> philippines.
Been There, Done That. 15 years ago, the company I worked for dropped a 50meter earth station and the rights to four transponders for 25 years on a project that was donated to a non-us telco to reduce the costs of transporting and housing 300 engineeers a quarter to/from the US. It was a very cheap alternative. -- --bill