On Thu, Jan 14, 2021 at 11:01:19AM -0700, Keith Medcalf wrote:
This result will only come to pass if Parler wins their lawsuit (which is likely)
The first hearing in this case was held today. Per reporting by Katherine Long of the Seattle Times, during that hearing Parler's attorney: - forgot the name of Parler's CEO - stated that he's unfamiliar with some of the terminology because he's not on social media - admitted that he filed a day late because he needed to update his PACER account This is the same attorney who filed Parler's complaint -- the one that names Twitter as a defendant in section 5 while omitting them from the title page of the complaint. Here, look for yourself: PARLER LLC v. AMAZON WEB SERVICES https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.wawd.294664/gov.uscourts.wa... Read the first sentence of section 5. It's on page 3. Oh heck, let me save you the trouble: "Thus, AWS is in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Antitrust Act in combination with Defendant Twitter." I am not an attorney but my general understanding is that if you wish to file a civil complaint against multiple defendants that you should actually go through the trouble of naming them all as defendants on the complaint (and serving them). ---rsk