** Reply to message from Brian Russo <brian@entropy.net> on Mon, 19 Apr 2004 10:51:18 -0400
As far as mainstream users.. * Software needs to patch itself, users aren't going to do it. * Software needs to be intuitive, people interact with computers as if they were doing 'real' things. Things like cut and paste are easy because they make sense... * Software patches need to WORK and not screw up Joe User's system, believe me they won't "understand" that software is never bug-free, they'll instead swear off installing patches in future. * Software needs reasonable defaults.. this doesn't necessarily mean turning every feature off. * Wizards and/or a choice of 'starter' confs can be great.
Patches either need to be of a size that a dialup user doesn't have to be dialed in for 24 hours to download and install them. Or .iso's should be available for ISP's to download, turn into CD's and distribute as appropriate. Wouldn't that be nice for a dialup user - getting Windows Update on a CD-ROM from their ISP? -- Jeff Shultz Network Technician Willamette Valley Internet