Having done time in the US Military and had both employment and consulting in and with large organization, some of them in this industry, I would tend to be in wholesale agreement with Vijay. Large organization don't conspire well, not even within themselves. Heck, it's hard to get more than seven people to agree on anything. I worked at one company where the board of directors had a two month argument about office stationary design. I do think it would lance a few boils if the nine locations where released to the community. At 17:26 -0400 25-07-2001, Vijay Gill wrote:
On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Daniel Golding wrote:
sets of rules. From my reading of these comments, it looks like they are starting to work together, and plan jointly. If this is true (and at least one non-anonymous poster has seemed to confirm it), than thats bad.
this secret "cabal" of all controlling, all knowing large ISP's working in concert to the detriment of the "small" ISP is bullshit. The processes and politics are so bad that chances of a _single_ ISP's divisions making a coherent plan are far more likely than developing a lighter than air pig. Now apply that across 10 of these ISPs.
Snip -- Joseph T. Klein +1 414 915 7489 Senior Network Engineer jtk@titania.net Adelphia Business Solutions joseph.klein@adelphiacom.com "... the true value of the Internet is its connectedness ..." -- John W. Stewart III