* James Cumming <james_cumming@ins.com> [20000906 05:32]:
You'd be better off getting the customer to apply for a /24 of PI space.
How do you expect him to do this? PI space must come from ARIN/RIPE/APNIC/etc by definition. Good luck getting a /24 PI microallocation unless you are critical Internet infrastructure (e.g. exchanges or root servers).
It is entirely possible for a provider to advertise address space that belongs to a different provider although most providers will refuse to do this as it requires co-operation between providers to both set-up (and in future remove). Most providers tend to have a standard portfolio of 'products' and these do not normally include multi-homing clients with other service providers whilst using their own address space.
What world do you live in? You must work with different service providers than I do--I've never had a problem getting this done by an upstream. In my experience this has actually gotten easier in recent times due to multihoming of smaller sites becoming much more commom (relative to a couple of years ago). Granted sometimes it takes a bit of "clue-searching" to find the correct person in your upstreams to get things done for you but it gets taken care of.
A normal service to sell is transit, i.e.. routing a customers PI space (and their AS). This way you need not care which other provider the customer approaches, nor pay any attention to the set-up process with that ISP as they are done independently.
Oh come on, you have to pay attention either way. You have to open up your announcement filters (hopefully...) and deal with aggregation/deaggregation of the new announcements regardless of the initial source of the space. To the original question (below) I'd suggest: - one of the upstream ASes involved provide the customer with a /24 - the customer applies for their own ASN - customer asks allocating upstream AS to grant permission to other involved ASes to allow announcements of their /24 (can be a simple e-mail, something noted in the contract, etc.). -jr
- -----Original Message----- From: Ray Davis [mailto:ray@carpe.net] Subject: PI or PA?
A customer needs a /24 which is to be announced by us and other ASes (including uunet). Should we just give them a /24 out of our space or would it be better to apply for a /24 PI space?
---- Josh Richards [JTR38/JR539-ARIN] <jrichard@cubicle.net/fix.net/freedom.gen.ca.us/geekresearch.com> Geek Research LLC - <URL:http://www.geekresearch.com/> IP Network Engineering and Consulting