I've been on NANOG list since the day of NANOG 9. I subscribed to hopefully learn about current network operations issues and related software and hardware technologies. I got the impression that this was a professional trade mailing list. Then the messages started coming... So, here I am, reading messages about One World Government black helicopter teams who conspire to control network registries, from groups of ignored and (appropriately unempowered) people who seem to have root-server-envy, now I've read about how RICO laws are inferred to about to be applied to domain name registration. What the hell is going on here? It's wacky! I've really enjoyed reading about subjects that I assumed I would find on this list: BGP and flapping, technical discussion of spam management, network management tools, and network outages, etc. As the Interenet grows, so, it seems, do my filtering rules. I just didn't think I'd have to apply filters to a list with a subjectlike this. I guess I was wrong? :-) _________________________________________________________________________ Wayne D. Correia +1.415.826.6000 900 Tennessee Street fax +1.415.826.6100 San Francisco, CA 94107