Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 22:28:52 -0500 (EST) From: Adam Rothschild <asr@millburn.net> Subject: Re: Microsoft offering xDSL access To: Dean Morstad <dean@spacestar.net> Cc: nanog@merit.edu
This may be very true, but I have questions about how the Internet is going to handle a bunch of ordinary web surfers now demanding their web pages at 30 times the speed? Is there backbone infrastructure in place to provide this kind of access on a household basis? Where is Microsoft going to find enough peering from NSP's to provide this access to their customers? I think it would be safe to assume that they probably have
This usage can be sustained easily by using proxy/cache implementations similar to those of the cable modem ISP's. After all, most of the bandwidth usage will come from http traffic most likely.
Regarding the NSP, consider this:
UUNet provides dialup pool connectivity for MSN. Microsoft owns a nice chunk of UUNet. UUNet is/will soon be implementing xDSL (IDSL and SDSL to be exact). UUNet is a big monster, and will only grow bigger ("If you can't beat 'em, buy 'em")... Microsoft will be introducing xDSL access.
...and draw your own conclusions. :)
Hmm. Worldcom owns UUNet/ALTERNET. Worldcom does dial up for AOL and Compuserve. Worldcom owns LDDS/Wiltel. Worldcom is buying MCI and already owns ANS. Microsoft will do what? History: ANS was the first non commercial (read educational) Internet backbone. ALTERNET was the first commercial NSP in 19987.
Dave Nordlund d-nordlund@ukans.edu University of Kansas 913/864-0450 Computing Services FAX 913/864-0485 Lawrence, KS 66045 KANREN