On Tue, 30 Apr 1996, Randy Bush wrote:
peerage, like sex these years, has a great potential for the transmission of disease. so one is very careful about with whom one peers. the route servers are more like a bath house, you're excahnging bodily fluids with every and any body.
Interesting analogy...but not quite accurate. RS-based peering would be more like...a routing orgy among a group of peers, where a central entity organizes the bodily routing fluids and directs them, according to prearranged policy, to the appropriate indirect peers. It breaks down there...:-) Your statement implies that, when peering via an RA route server, one is required to accept (and advertise) any and all routes. This is wholly untrue. The RS's use policy information from the RADB to do routing calculations, resulting in a centralized routing model rather than a distributed one. Yes, it makes policy decisions for you...but based on your own policy indications.
some exchanges have multi-lats. how many are actually used by the bigger players and how many are ignored in favor of multiple bi-lats?
I don't know of very many exchanges that have MLPA's, but at the Ameritech (Chicago) NAP... ----- Date: 29 Apr 96 08:21:16 -0500 From: MARK.A.CNOTA@x400gw.ameritech.com To: nathan@netrail.net Cc: nap-info@aads.net Subject: Multi-Lateral Peering Agreement Nathan, Below is the current list of MLPA participants. Mark Cnota AADS Operations - Chicago Alpha-Net AGIS Argonne Nat. Laboratory Concentric Research Hyperspace Networks ISI/Merit (Routing Arbiter) NAP.NET Network 99 Netcom On-Line Univ. of Chicago One Call Communications // Matt Zimmerman Chief of System Management NetRail, Inc. // mdz@netrail.net sales@netrail.net // (703) 524-4800 [voice] (703) 524-4802 [data] (703) 534-5033 [fax]