On Wed, 23 May 2001, Jeremiah Kristal wrote:
I would suggest that folks read how MAPS RBL works before they spew innuendo and half-truths. MAPS may not be perfect, but it certainly isn't 'a single person/organization' with this power. MAPS only acts on third-party nominations, has an exceedingly drawn-out confirmation process, and only publishes a BGP feed that *providers* must configure their routers to accept. MAPS RBL does nothing beyond publish a list of known, confirmed, unrepentant spam sites in the format of a BGP4 advertisement. Private networks can and will block what they want, MAPS just publishes a list of sites that they block from their network. I (and every other network operator) can and will block whatever I want, unless my contract with my customers prevents it.
Okay, let's assume you're right, and the MAPS folks are the fairest in the land. Then how do you explain our case? NetSide was blackholed between Jul 13, 00 and Feb 27, 01, then the block was mysteriously lifted, only to be reistated on May 11, 01. The 'evidence' is the same, a single relayed message from a Corecomm customer to daver.bungi.com That is Dave Rand's personal playground. Dave is also a founding father of MAPS, and was recently (like Apr 30) elevated to the reigns after he 'retired' from MFNX. We were blackholed again on a capricious change in their rules. Tomorrow there will be even more rules. And so the noose tightens... Thought you said third party nomination, not insider? I allege they draw a profit from their activities, and that is the true purpose of all this. The non-profit organization voluntarily relinquished its tax exempt status, and Vixie explained why on his pages. If I remember correctly, it's because the government would investigate complaints. The type of cartel that was created here is against anti-trust laws in the US. That's what is commonly referred to as conspiracy to restrict trade. The legal aspects are well covered on http://www.dotcomeon.com Furthermore, MAPS doesn't really openly publish its lists. Why do you think that's so? Wouldn't it be nice, or at least fair for everyone to know who's listed? So now, how has my business bothered your business? It hasn't. I don't recall any complaints from your service. That means we at least manage and monitor our servers pretty effectively as configured, and we're not unrepentent spammers. But we dared to be different. Face it, it's really our philosophy that angers you. --Mitch NetSide