In message <5A6D953473350C4B9995546AFE9939EE0BC139A0@RWC-EX1.corp.seven.com>, " George Bonser" writes:
Almost none of the broadband providers in the US NAT their customers. =20 Well, I suppose I have been unlucky then because every single one I have had has NATed me. I had a "real" IP when I had dialup, but I got NAT when I went broadband. I have a friend that has another service and she is NATed too. Boot up in her network and you get 192.168.1.x
In other words, the broadband provider provides a single global IP to the "always up" CPE. That CPE does DHCP to user stations and hands out 1918 addresses and NATs them to the single global IP.
I have had 3 broadband providers over the past 10 years, all three have done that. I have a friend on a fourth provider that also does that.
I have yet to see a broadband provider that configures a network so that individual nodes in the home network get global IPs.
It's only because they delivered the service using a integrated modem/router to save the customer buying a seperate NAT box. I suspect that you could request a actual modem and connect you own equipment to if you want if you don't like the box they supplied. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org