On 5 Apr 2022, at 12:09 AM, Dan Mahoney (Gushi) <danm@prime.gushi.org> wrote:
... You're allowed to insert, into WHOIS, an assertion of your originating AS (like a pre-rpki-rpki) but I do not know of anything that consumes this, and I believe this is not visible anywhere but WHOIS.
I’m not aware of anything automated that consumes the Origin-AS information (although that doesn’t preclude someone somewhere including in their route filtering/weighting…) I have seen people use to express their control over a legacy resource (i.e. setting origin-AS to their new ISP’s AS#) since that is only something that can be done by a party with operational control of the resource in the ARIN registry… effectively a self-proving LOA. FYI, /John John Curran President and CEO American Registry for Internet Numbers