At least you’re only having problems with the IPv6 version, I’ve spent about an hour trying to get the IPv4 version of fakeroute working and I just can’t. I even tried a few different ones. Does anyone have a version that works? I have some fun things I’d like to do with it ;) Ammar.
On Dec 25, 2014, at 5:01 AM, Sadiq Saif <lists@sadiqs.com> wrote:
On 12/24/2014 14:40, Theodore Baschak wrote:
For anyone who wishes to implement a Holiday Message for us IPv6 folks, Job Snijders has this code online: https://github.com/job/ipv6-traceroute-faker
Just needs Linux, Python, and a /64 routed to it.
Been trying to get this running but I get this error: TypeError: do_callback() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
Not sure where it is getting the second argument. Any ideas?
-- Sadiq Saif https://staticsafe.ca