On Feb 25, 2009, at 1:08 PM, Zaid Ali wrote:
There is also the issue of weather the user trusts the opt out link, I have been in discussions where data shows that most users don't generally trust it.
Nor should they. Anyone who actually researches this stuff knows that the vast majority of "unsub" links simply confirm you as a live target who will click on random links sent to them through e-mail. Incidentally, what option is specified by the CAN-SPAM act? Oh yeah, opt-out. Genius. You will never be able to educate the masses on the difference between a legit unsub link and a malicious one. The safest thing for lusers is to ignore them all. It would be nice if the webmail providers simply mapped the "report spam" function to "add sender to personal blacklist", that way lusers who report their mailing list as spam would simply stop seeing it. Unfortunately that would also result in a lot more storage requirements on the part of said webmail providers, which is probably a major reason why they don't do it. Frankly the best approach is probably to make "report as spam" a NOP. Users get it wrong the vast majority of the time. Automated honeypot analysis with oversight from clueful e-mail operators is the best way to handle uncaught spam. -- bk