Yeah, Being somehow familiar with how things operate when it involve Quebec Govt and the Fed Govt... Expect hell. Pray for purgatory. Rejoice if it takes less than 3 months. PS: At least we have very good, and dedicated, cabling crews. =D. But yeah, there is work being done to reduce the downtime to a manageable timeframe. If not simply redundancy being added to allow for the time to splice that bad boy. ----- Alain Hebert ahebert@pubnix.net PubNIX Inc. 50 boul. St-Charles P.O. Box 26770 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 6G7 Tel: 514-990-5911 http://www.pubnix.net Fax: 514-990-9443 On 09/01/17 14:44, Jay Hanke wrote:
I'd expect at least a couple of hours of outage while the cable is reconnected.
When doing the move on the live cable (assuming 1 cable). There will be a splicing crew at each end of the move. They will then break a tube or ribbon at a time and splice into the new cable.
Splicing unused portions of the cable and then moving patches is also done. In my experience, it's much more common to resplice on the existing strands.
A large cable will take quite a while to resplice, likely more than just overnight depending on the size of the cable.
On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 1:32 PM, Jean-Francois Mezei <jfmezei_nanog@vaxination.ca> wrote:
A large highway interchange is being rebuilt in Montréal (Turcot) and this requires that the CN mainline tracks out of downtown be moved a few hundred metres to the north for a couple of kilometres until it rejoins the existing alignment.
Part of the contract involves the cost of moving the fibre trunks along with the tracks. (old alignment will become commercial properties).
So they have new cable that goes through the new alignment and joins the old one at both ends. So they'll have hundreds of strands to splice.
When doing that type of work, how much downtime can be expected for each strand?
Would they typically use patch panels in central offices to move a customer to a spare strand while they splice their assigned strand to use the new cable segment (and then move traffic back to that assigned strand?). Or would they switch customers around to new strands and update their documentation on which customer is on which strand?
Or do they do nothing at patch panels in COs and just take whatever time it is needed to have crews at both ends of the work site splice each strand at same time (I assume about 5 minutes outage for each strand?)
Would they normally involve the customer advising them of upcoming outage? Would the folks working trackside be limited to overnight hours to make outages less significant, or do they work around the clock ?