First, it's imrss.org, not imrss.com. Second, in regards to JD's comments about Ron, JD and Ron don't exactly get along very well, so JD's comments should be taken with a grain of salt. I've provided a way to contact Ron and I hope the comments quoted below don't prevent Daniel from contacting him.
Apparently, IMRSS is totally automated and unattended. Ron Guilmette, who runs it, has a very long history of not taking criticism very well, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if he just ignores your requests.
-- North Shore Technologies Corporation http://www.NorthShoreTechnologies.net 815 Superior Ave. #610, Cleveland, OH 44114-2702 216.619.2NET 888.480.4NET Host of the Forum for Responsible & Ethical E-mail http://www.spamfree.org I am the president and sole shareholder of NSTC. Thus, I feel comfortable saying that my opinions do represent the official opinions of the company :)