On 25-aug-2005, at 3:31, Jared Mauch wrote:
I once spoke to a construction manager at comcast for their network buildouts. With my local township, they need to have 20 homes per linear mile along the route to justify a build.
Turns out that the US has a cable penetration of some 67%. (http:// www.ncta.com/Docs/PageContent.cfm?pageID=86) That's pretty high, if you consider that coax can't carry a signal very far. But I still attribute the non-stellar uptake of broadband to lack of DSL in the US. A significant portion of that 33% that doesn't have cable (and can't get it) should be within range for ADSL. On the other hand you still see above-ground phone lines in US cities, maybe that's not so good for DSL... And in the future we'll see more wireless broadband.