On 11/26/12 8:59 PM, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
On Mon, 26 Nov 2012, Michael Thomas wrote:
I don't see either Apple or Microsoft as being the hindrance. In fact, both of them seem pretty ready, fsvo "ready". Unlike ISP's by and large. But I'm pretty sure that both iPhones and Androids are pretty happy about being in v6 land since I see them showing up in my logs all the time, for the few providers that have lit up v6.
Not on the mobile side. Wifi yes, mobile no.
You're saying there are no cellular v6 deployments? I'm about 99% certain that you're wrong. I see v6 addresses in my apache logs all the time and they're almost definitely while they're not on wifi (my site uploads gps data while people are skiing, so they're usually on cellular).
I'm all for bagging on those two, but it seems pretty unjustified here.
What they need to start doing is testing Apps for IPv6 only access capabilitity. This doesn't work today, Apps like Waze, Spotify and others do not work on IPv6 only access.
Is this the app's fault? What are they doing wrong? Mike