On Feb 17, 2019, at 7:14 PM, Ross Tajvar <ross@tajvar.io> wrote:
I'd be a lot more inclined to read your paper if you weren't so self-righteous about it. Rehashing all the times people disagreed with ("attacked") you is a poor way to encourage others to earnestly engage with your ideas.
Especially when they are well-respected members of both NANOG and the greater email community. Seriously?? Attacking John and Suresh?? Anne *Typed with 1.5 eyes as I'm recuperating from a torn retina, so apologies for any typos. Anne P. Mitchell, Attorney at Law GDPR, CCPA (CA) & CCDPA (CO) Compliance Consultant Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law) Legislative Consultant CEO/President, Institute for Social Internet Public Policy Board of Directors, Denver Internet Exchange Board of Directors, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop Legal Counsel: The CyberGreen Institute Legal Counsel: The Earth Law Center California Bar Association Cal. Bar Cyberspace Law Committee Colorado Cyber Committee Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose Ret. Chair, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop