Carl Ford of NYNEX a year ago told me that NYNEX was think of selling isps port access in much the same way as you describe. I wrote about NYNEX intentions at length in my june 1995 issue. There gordon jacobson writing in reply to carl roasted those plans saying in effect how could an ISP *trust* NYNEX not to raise charges and put it out of business. i have heard nothing further about NYNEX's plans. you raise some interesting issues. ********************************************************************** The COOK Report on Internet Individ. hard copy $150 431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA Small Corp & Gov't $200 (609) 882-2572 phone and fax Corporate $350 Internet: cook@cookreport.com Corporate Site Lic. $650 http://pobox.com/cook/ for new report: "Tracking Internet Infrastructure" ***********************************************************************