On 01/06/2016 21:16, Mike wrote:
On 06/01/2016 10:59 AM, Jürgen Jaritsch wrote:
Dear NANOGers,
is there anyone from Verizon and Level3 who can help me with DNS caching issue? We're running a global service for a customer and we had to change to NS IPs via Glue Records. At the moment at least Verizone and Level3 are caching old NS records. Looking for DNS admins out there.
Please contact me off- or on-list!
I totally understand the desire to just be able to go ask major operators for a courtesy cache flush, but there are ways to update dns and procedures to engage that can eliminate the underlaying causes of same. Not that everyone, including myself, is prefect or godly (or has their name in the rfc...!), but at the same time, it's a learning experience being offered to you and I hope that whatever hole you shot in your foot heals soon and hopefull you never have to make another one like it.
Those "procedures" were attempted to be documented in an RFC: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jabley-dnsop-flush-reqs-00 https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jabley-dnsop-dns-flush-00 Unfortunately, nothing ever came of it, so people are forced to post to NANOG pleading for help. -Hank