Currently: 60% - invalid or missing contact information reponses: a - How about a policy that says if nobody can contact you and none of your addresses are reachable, then after some period, your addresses get recycled. b - How about a policy which says that if you fail to pay an annual amount by a due date then a process is commenced with an outcome such that your registration details expire and the associated number space is no longer registered to you. And comment on b Would this process, perhaps, be associated with a route announcement charging scheme? My response is no, the two are not logically associated. My response is that one way to reverse the roles and place the responsibility on the entity to reestablish contact regularly with the registry rather than have the registry valiantly try to contact the entity is to introduce payments with a default action of lapse of registration. This is an potential administrative action associated with the objective of ensuring the integrity and usefulness of the single address pool which constitutes the IP playground. Route charing schemes are a different beast - they are one possible measure which could be introduced by Internet operators intended to place pressure on the operational environment and direct this pressure toward achieving a routeable Internet by offering financial inducements to measures which decrease the number of discretely routed components of the address space. Thanks, Geoff