-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, Michael Helm wrote:
"L. Sassaman" writes:
X.509 is a much older and cruftier standard. PGP is recognised by most to be the superior method for handling email and file encryption and signing. X.509 is designed to satisfy situations where there is a complex heirarchy in an X.500 setting.
I don't know about the first claim; PGP certainly developed partly in response to PEM, which was based on hierarchies. Which standard is better I think is up to customers to decide.
I think customers *have* decided. Where is PEM now? (And Phil Z. wasn't aware of the existance of PEM until very shortly before he released PGP, btw.) - --Len. __ L. Sassaman System Administrator | Technology Consultant | "Common sense is wrong." icq.. 10735603 | pgp.. finger://ns.quickie.net/rabbi | --Practical C Programming -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Comment: OpenPGP Encrypted Email Preferred. iD8DBQE5XcDFPYrxsgmsCmoRAgEYAJ9Lhxvy2v1Pm6BWMqOEdCz04shIswCg8nBT A7xQbEKRW8/ZFr3vGc/I5Qs= =RJ5B -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----