Wade Peacock wrote:
We had a discussion today about IPv6 today. During our open thinking the topic of client equipment came up. We all commented that we have not seen any consumer grade IPv6 enable internet gateways (routers/firewalls), a kin to the ever popular Linksys 54G series, DLinks , SMCs or Netgears.
Does anyone have any leads to information about such products (In production or planned production)?
We are thinking that most vendors are going to wait until Ma and Pa home user are screaming for them.
For ADSL, we've been punting Ovislink gear for a few years. In the past, I've had very good results with having feature requests implemented by the firmware developers (sometimes while I'm on the phone with them, literally). I haven't pushed the v6 thing too hard yet, as our DSL is wholesale'd out, and the wholesaler(s), unlike myself, don't do IPv6. I will gladly rekindle the relationship with the Ovislink dev contacts regarding IPv6, as I'm sure they will respond if there is a show of potential hardware sales to a few ISPs larger than I am. Steve