On 03/25/2014 10:51 PM, Jimmy Hess wrote:
I would suggest the formation of an "IPv6 SMTP Server operator's club," with a system for enrolling certain IP address source ranges as "Active mail servers", active IP addresses and SMTP domain names under the authority of a member.
... As has been mentioned, this is old hat. There is only one surefire way of doing away with spam for good, IMO. No one is currently willing to do it, though. That way? Make e-mail cost; have e-postage. No, I don't want it either. But where is the pain point for spam where this becomes less painful? If an enduser gets a bill for sending several thousand e-mails because they got owned by a botnet they're going to do something about it; get enough endusers with this problem and you'll get a class-action suit against OS vendors that allow the problem to remain a problem; you can get rid of the bots. This will trim out a large part of spam, and those hosts that insist on sending unsolicited bulk e-mail will get billed for it. That would also eliminate a lot of traffic on e-mail lists, too, if the subscribers had to pay the costs for each message sent to a list; I wonder what the cost would be for each post to a list the size of this one. If spam ceases to be profitable, it will stop. Of course, I reserve the right to be wrong, and this might all just be a pipe dream. (and yes, I've thought about what sort of billing infrastructure nightmare this could be.....)